The Morning Show
The Morning Show

Série Apple TV+ (2019)

Voir la série

“The Morning Show” is the kind of series that doesn’t merely ask you to suspend disbelief. It demands it. Or maybe tricks you into it…

And then….pays you back handsomely for your effort.

The writing is at times pure camp, at times raw nerve, and other times simply genius.

The chemistry between Rachel Green and Michael Scott is undeniable. When you add Elle Woods, Russel Hammond and Nurse Hathaway to the mix, you’ve got yourself a tasty cocktail.

#TheMorningShow Apple TV Jennifer Aniston Steve Carrell Reese Witherspoon Julianna Margulies Billy Crudup

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le 12 févr. 2022

Critique lue 20 fois


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Critique lue 20 fois

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