Dear R.,

[I don't know if you will ever read this, but let's say that I leave it to (digital) fate...]
Just wanted to let you know that I finally watched that movie that you told me about, the one that moved you so much especially as a parent, as you specified.

Manchester by the sea.

I am not a massive fan of the Affleck family but I must admit that Casey is pretty incredible in that part. That strangely silent character, who seems to hide so much trouble and secrets from the beginning, who keeps on refusing every social occasion really puzzled, then amazed me.

The (long) time he always takes to answer questions, to pick the words that will come out from his mouth - as if they were dangerous, as if the world and the others could use them against him - reminded me of you.

Manchester by the sea is a deeply touching, bright and amazingly performed movie that I will not forget anytime soon. It has ancient Greek tragedy in it - in Patty's insistance to bury his father, that links him to Antigone - and the comings and goings between present and past show well how fragile happiness is. The soundtrack is also absolutely heart-wrenching - special mention to the wonderful Albinoni's Adagio - what on earth can be sadder than those chords ?

When the style and the content of a movie are harmonious, I tend to say that it is a success. Manchester by the sea is not always easy to apprehend, not always simple to understand, even when we got all the keys to it. Lee Chandley remains a mystery because he stays silent and, in that space empty of words could be anything - fear, hate, self-destruction, doubts, questions, lack of affection.

We see him as a man who doesn't make any effort to get better, to overcome the tragedy he's been through. But we forget that it is almost a miracle he's alive : how many of us would have committed suicide after such a devastating event ? Who would'nt feel guilty to live still ?

Life offers him an opportunity to make up with the past by taking care of his nephew. For the first time in the movie, a tragedy - his brother's loss - could turn into something good. But we're not in a typical american movie with a guessable happy end.

In fact, we don't breathe very well in Manchester by the sea.
The atmosphere is so heavy with unshed tears, unspoken words and excruciating situations that even the wonderful cutaway views from Canada (the photography is brillant) are not really helping us to feel any better.

Manchester by the sea is an incredibly intense work about loss, inheritance, transmission, mourning, life choices and new chances that grabs you by the guts during more than two hours. The very first minutes give us a false trail : it could appear as some sort of social comedy - that handyman silently, patiently listening to his clients' complaints has something funny about it.

But lightness doesn't last long, such as hope and bliss, and we'll get to see Casey Affleck's quick smile only at the very end of the movie - a distant and serious smile, as a mild winter sun.

I have only a little reserve regarding that movie which, to me, is almost a masterpiece. When Randi and Lee talk face to face - probably one of the most upsetting part of the movie and its dramatic climax - it lasts a little too long for me. Those shaking voices searching for the right words, those pearly tears about to cascade down on the cheeks - it is a little too intense and almost unbearable pathos, to my mind.

I couldn't help but thinking about you whilst I was watching it. I'd have been curious to know in details which parts moved you the most.
Did you cry ? I did.
Did you recognize yourself in that speechless Lee, scared of talking, scared of showing his feelings ?

I was surprised to see you in Casey Affleck's sad and shut expressions.
Times have changed.
So long (as he likes to say), your radiant smiling face, your golden smile - I wish I could see them again one day.

Your ever affectionate,



le 5 nov. 2017

Critique lue 401 fois

8 j'aime

3 commentaires

Critique lue 401 fois


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