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Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Série NBC, FOX (2013)

Voir la série

1) Feel good: it's never heavy, far from edgy, the story almost always has a happy ending.

2) Woke: the series sheds light on important social and political issues explicitly including racism, sexism, homophobia and toxic masculinity.

3) Comedy: the show is a workplace comedy drama. Other than the situation comedy, the show features explicit hit or miss jokes.

The show is light, easy to watch, sometimes funny. Most (if not all) characters are one dimensional, in the pilot they define "the one thing" for each character and clearly don't try to explore them much later into the show.
The actors roles were not that challenging.
The writing has its ups and downs, but mostly adequate. The rythme of the episode is relatively fast which I enjoyed.

B99 is out there with the other workplace sitcoms, it brings to the table being woke.
In conclusion, the show is adequate for what it is.

Écrit par


le 8 avr. 2020

Critique lue 181 fois

Critique lue 181 fois

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