Mobile Suit Gundam Wing
Mobile Suit Gundam Wing

Anime (mangas) TV Asahi (1995)

Débuté en français sur M6 (2001-2), terminé en allemand sur Tele5 (2008?).
VOSTA vue sur GundamInfo (2018).

Char's Zaku might have been "three times faster" but Zech Merquise topped the cult masked pilot by undergoing his forefather's whole 1979-1984 character arc (spanning two series and a film) in a single series of 49 episodes. That's speed !

This series is a dumbed down remix of the First Gundam, bent on:
- being the best of the beloved original and his most successfull heir, Zeta: having a political background intrigue (but making it stupid as hell), being riddled with soap-opera antics and character reactions (but make them even more ridiculous than Zeta Gundam).
- being more focused on action when it clearly hasn't the means (constant recycling of pictures)
- looking cool: cool boys band heroes with 90s cool behaviours ( a single trait pushed beyond scale) and typical 90s anime charadesign, the main one being a blank slate of a "dark" teenager, cool mobile suits designs (they're so flashy, big and overdesigned at times that it only adds to the series ridiculousness), etc.

A small precision: be it the politics, the characters actions or other decisions the series makes, most are nonsensical.

Score: 3/10 (-2)
Enjoyment: 2/5
Watch the original Gundam (TV/movies compilation) or read Mobile Suit Gundam : The Origin.
Or, if WIng's recipe is really the one you want, check Mobile Suit Gundam 00, a way better cooking of it.

Écrit par


le 31 août 2021

Critique lue 115 fois

1 j'aime

Rei Ayanami

Écrit par

Critique lue 115 fois


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