Master of None
Master of None

Série Netflix (2015)

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As I’m getting older, all sitcoms tend to fade away from my interest. Even the ones I used to overlove, like Friends or HIMYM, now appear to my eyes in a different way.

Moving forward in my fictional videoludic experiences, I’ve come to particularly like two extremes: either the very imaginary pieces holding a strong identity, or the ones that are very close to reality (not meaning they shall not be creative though).

For example, I find it hard to watch shows like New Girl sometimes, due to it’s pretention to express true stuff behind exaggeration, often ending up being an unreal fantasy (not saying there is nothing good in this show behind that specific detail).

Recently, I watched the Louie series for the second time and felt in love with it more than ever.
Because Louie is THE Anti-Sitcom, with it’s extremely smart writing, it’s various situations and it’s fun way to talk some truths in which many human beings can find themselves. And this overwarming opinion goes waaay beyond my insane adoration for this fat redheaded dude.

Now, you might be thinking: “Why is Veather, that son of a pineapple, after months of non-activity here, writing in English language on a bloody French site?
And Why does he keep doing this endless and boring introductions, not talking about the main subject and then making fun of himself like it excuses anything?”

And once again, you’d be right. But my point is: it’s hard to make a REALLY good sitcom. I can barely count them on one hand.

Master Of None (“Yeaaahh finally he’s getting there!”) has the pretention to talk the truth like Louie does (obviously the result is very different, but there definitely is a common goal).
The little chubby guy don’t get extremely standard beautys women like in most sitcoms, and the conversations he has with others are close to what the viewer might have had in his life. Even if sometimes, you can really feel that it’s always the same people writing behind every single character, so team, not so skilled after all hmmm?

It might still feel very artificial, but I realized that real life in a city can be as artificial as that, and through many episodes the show subtly make fun of how fake we have become, and how much we all need to seek simple pleasures and authenticity within a crazy complex society.

Some things are so stereotypical, like the time Dev spends in Italy, filmed black and white and filled with postal card clichés until you’ll get sick of it.
It kind of make sense, since it’s a moment apart in the character’s life, but it still fails to catch the truthness.

Sweet and bitter, Master of None definitively is. From feel good to sorrow, you’ll just have to go along with Dev’s struggles and little victories.

As I write down this stuff, the show is still quiet young, and we’ll see where it’s headed.

All I can say right now is that Master Of None is full of good surprises, and filled with laughter, emotions and other goodness. It probably won’t excel at being more than just a nice easy going thing to watch; but again: it is already something!

Make good fiction with real life: you can be certain I’ll watch it!

Écrit par


le 1 oct. 2017

Critique lue 375 fois

2 j'aime

5 commentaires


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Critique lue 375 fois


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